Motorists Should Prepare for Summer Driving Season

It’s important to make sure your vehicle is set for vacations on the road this summer to avoid being stranded.

The AAA estimates that 40 percent of drivers are not prepared for emergency breakdown situations. Flat tires, vehicle lockouts and dead batteries are the top three reasons why the AAA is called in the summer.

Motorists are urged to schedule an auto repair service and an overall vehicle maintenance checkup. Let an automotive technician conduct oil changes, fluid level checks, battery tests, and tire inspections. These could mean the difference between a smooth road trip or a disaster.

Emergency kits should be included in your car’s inventory which should include a mobile phone and car charger, a flashlight with extra batteries, a first-aid kit, a basic toolkit with tire pressure gauge and adjustable wrench, windshield washer solution, jumper cables, toyota spare parts, emergency flares, drinking water, and extra snacks.

AAA also reminds residents to drive free of distractions and pull out of the way of traffic if your vehicle suffers a breakdown. If law enforcement is assisting a motorist, follow the state law which requires vehicles to move over a lane or slow down to give sufficient clearance from the scene.

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