A structurally unsafe building in downtown North Judson will not be able to be torn down before this weekend’s Mint Festival. The town only received one quote to demolish the structure at 205 and 207 Lane Street, and it was for more than $250,000. The council last week formally voted to reject it, citing a lack of detail in the specifications as well as the price.
The vacant building does contain asbestos, so additional care will need to be taken with the demolition. The contractor will also be required to submit paperwork to the state Department of Environmental Management.
Council members asked town superintendent Marshall Hortsmann to solicit additional quotes. They’re due in the town office by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, July 7th. Contractors must have an asbestos certification and be able to complete the necessary IDEM paperwork.
Meanwhile, the council agreed to erect a temporary 6 foot fence around the building and into Lane Street in front of the structure. However pedestrian access to the west sidewalk will still be maintained.
Town officials also want to talk to state Rep. Doug Gutwein and Sen. Ed Charbonneau about any available state money to offset the demolition cost. Realistically they don’t expect to recoup anything from building owner Doug Cassel. They’re also going to speak to representatives from the Kankakaee-Iroquois Regional Planning Commission and from U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski’s office about possible emergency financial assistance.
Heavy rains in May caused the partial collapse of the building. Cassel sought permission to remove personal property, including a 1978 Cadillac Eldorado, from inside, but a structural engineering found it to be unsafe for entry.
North Judson Town Attorney Justin Schramm told the council Pulaski Circuit Judge Michael Shurn wants to be notified within 24 hours of selecting a demolition contractor. He will then schedule a hearing to determine whether it’s safe to remove anything from the building. Schramm says both the contractor and the structural engineer will be expected to testify during that proceeding.
Interested contractors can contact Hortsmann at 574-896-3332 or njutilities@embarqmail.com.