Starke County Forest to Proceed with Timber Sale


The Starke County Park Board is moving ahead with a timber sale at the County Forest. On Tuesday, board members voted to let Forester Bruce Wakeland start soliciting bids from timber buyers.

He said he’s marked trees in two sections of the forest, totaling 20 acres. Wakeland said that while the timber in the Starke County Forest is not of the best quality, the fact that it can be harvested at any time to the year will help boost demand.

Potential buyers will be given about a month to look at the timber before bids are due. The park board plans to open the bids at its October 10 meeting.

Wakeland expects the timber sale to bring in $5,000 to $10,000. Some of that money may be used to help fix the forest’s access lane.

Wakeland said he discussed the issue with Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler. Ritzler recommended that glacial stone be installed to help prevent the roadway from washing out, which may cost up to $20,000. Park board member Roger Chaffins suggested exploring the possibility of using donated railroad ballast instead, to lower the cost.