Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann has recently been checking the condition of various manholes around the Town of North Judson. He told council members Monday evening that he has discovered six manholes that need to be relined in order prevent deterioration beyond repair.
If unaddressed, Horstmann said the deteriorating manholes could lead to sinkholes in those areas.
He explained, “If we get them relined now it will prolong their life at least 20 years, if we don’t reline them they will continue to deteriorate and then we’ll end up with sinkholes around them like we had over on Vine and Ohio Street where we ended up having to replace the whole top half of the manhole.”
Horstmann mentioned that aside from the relining work that needs completed, he found five spots around town where manholes should be installed or adjusted. On Garden Street and Luken Street a manhole lid and casting exists but Horstmann said right now there is only an 8 inch pipe going down to the main line.
Similarly, a manhole lid exists on Beech Street in the alley between Lincoln Avenue and Arlington Avenue but only a six inch pipe runs down to the main line on Beech Street and it isn’t lined up with the main line that is on the alley making it impossible to jet the alley in the event of a clog-up.
Three of the needed manholes would have to be installed on Garfield Street. Currently the only manholes on that street are the ones where the street intersects with State Road 10 and Campbell Drive. The two existing manholes on Garfield Street are 12,050 feet apart. He told council members manholes need to be installed every 300 to 350 feet to allow for jetting.