Pulaski Superior Court Makes Second Attempt at Funding Requests, After Money Fails to Arrive

The Pulaski County Council is revisiting a couple Superior Court funding requests. According to Judge Crystal Brucker Kocher, a budget transfer was requested back in March and an additional appropriation was requested in April, before she officially took over the position. But for some reason, those funds were never moved.

Council members corrected the problem Monday by approving a $1,500 transfer from Jury Meals into the Interpreter line item. They also voted to advertise the request for $9,000 in additional appropriations for Examination of Prisoners, Witness Fees, and Transcripts and Depositions, to be considered at a future meeting.

The Pulaski County Council also approved a group of transfer requests from the Highway Department, to pay for ongoing road work with money from last year’s Community Crossings grant. Meanwhile, Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Johnston is asking for a $20,000 additional appropriation. He said that money will replenish the Building and Structure budget, following unexpected repairs to the elevators at the courthouse and annex building.