Three intersections have been studied for potential upgrades in Starke County, but the highway superintendent wants a second opinion.
Superintendent Rik Ritzler told the county commissioners this week that he is enlisting the help of officials from Purdue University’s Local Technical Assistance Program to decide how to go about improving these intersections.
“As you know, sometimes they come down and review intersection safety for us,” explained Ritzler. “We have three intersections that we’ve done traffic studies on. We always want a second opinion when there are some differing opinions.”
One of the intersections in question is County Road 210 and Boa Shores at Bass Lake.
“They want a crosswalk installed there. We’re going to have Purdue do a little study for us on that and make a recommendation. There has been a request for a four-way stop at 300 E. and 700 S. that we’ve looked at and we’d like help with. In Bourne’s Subdivision, there’s a four-way stop request near the daycare center there. We think that all of these things should happen, but there are some technical things we want them to help us with and how to do the signage. It’s always good to have a second opinion.”
These issues are expected to be reviewed in early December.