Round Lake Cemetery Officials Respond to American Legion Complaint


Round Lake Cemetery Association President Harrison Fields appeared before the Starke County Commissioners on Monday night to discuss the North Judson American Legion Post’s complaint about the removal of American flags from veteran’s graves following Memorial Day.

Post Ex-Commander Ron Clemons told the commissioners during the Dec. 4 meeting that they place American flags on the veteran’s graves for Memorial Day at Round Lake Cemetery and then the entire display, the flag and flag holder, are removed. He would like to see them on the graves throughout the year.

Fields explained why the flags are removed.

“I went on the computer and got this information,” stated Fields. “The very first thing that came up on this issue with the flags and what I can tell you as you read this is this is the facts as far as I know. When should small flags displayed on graves on Memorial Day be removed? Answer: All legion posts should follow the practice of removing flags from veteran’s graves as soon as possible after Memorial Day. I spoke to the ex-commander in North Judson and he tells me they leave them on for a whole year.”

The flags were removed two weeks after the Fourth of July and they were turned over to the VFW for proper disposal.

Another issue that Fields addressed was the large flag being removed from the flag pole at the cemetery.

“As for the proper flying of the flag at night, out there at Round Lake in the county we do not have a light and a light is required if you’re going to fly the flag at night.”

The county pays $2,000 to North Judson, Knox and Hamlet American Legion Posts for the purchase of flags and flag holders for Memorial Day. Fields suggested moving some funds from North Judson to Knox so Knox could take over Round Lake Cemetery.

American Legion District Vice Commander Mark Gourley said all legion posts should receive the same amount of money. He added that the major expense this year has been the flag holders as they keep coming up missing.

Commission President Donnie Binkley suggested that the American Legion members and the Round Lake Cemetery Association members get together to settle any miscommunication. Fields said the next association meeting is Monday, Jan. 8 at 9 a.m. at the Round Lake Church.

Binkley added that if nothing can be settled, the commissioners will oversee the situation.