Starke County Commissioners Discuss Relinquishment of County Road


The Starke County Commissioners discussed a proposal to relinquish County Road 450 West, north of Toto Road to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler said DNR representative Bryan Boggs made the request. Ritzler said the road is adjacent to the DNR property and believes the DNR could better maintain the road.

“They have their equipment and they’re out there all of the time and if they want to do that extra half-mile they can. It’s a dead-end road. It goes into private property at the northern end of that road. I’m all for it. I think it’s a good thing. I think it’s good for DNR. They’re in control of it.”

Ritzler noted that Boggs has approached neighboring property owners to get permission and written letters supporting the change would be obtained if the request is approved.

The road would be under the DNR jurisdiction and the DNR could decide what to do with the road. Commission President Donnie Binkley asked Boggs, who attended last week’s meeting, if the DNR would put up gates. Boggs explained that if a gate would be installed, the three property owners who live along that road would have access to any locks or codes to gain access to their property. A gate, if constructed, would only be functional from October to March.

Commissioner Kathy Norem asked why the DNR would want to take ownership of the dirt road. Boggs said it’s a dead end road and it doesn’t get as much maintenance as he would like. Also, water fowl hunters use that road and the DNR ends up plowing the half-mile road anyway so they are able to hunt. He said it’s not much extra work.

After the discussion, Ritzler recommended talking to the property owners and County Attorney Marty Lucas to gather more details before approving the relinquishment.