Several construction and renovation projects will be done at the West Central School Corporation this spring and summer. Superintendent Don Street said the school board reviewed the timeline for the secure entrance and utilization of space projects.
“Bids are due on the 8th of February,” said Street. “Our board will accept the winning bids on the 15th of February, and then we will be meeting with the architects as well as the construction companies. We hope to start some of the renovation areas over our spring break into March.”
Street added that the school board will also accept roof bids for the middle school and the auxiliary gymnasium.
There are many other changes expected during the summer.
“We’re utilizing some space within the buildings. Working within our welding area, we’ll be expanding that for some storage and a changing room which would be part of our existing weight room. Our weight room would move to the existing wrestling room and our wrestling room will be moved behind our stage into three existing classrooms, as well as the renovating of the offices at the elementary and middle schools. Our board has already approved the paving of a gravel parking lot in front of the elementary school.”
In addition, all exterior lighting will be changed and new fencing will be installed around the football field and track area.