Culver Community Schools Superintendent Establishes Policy Review Timeline

Culver Community Schools Superintendent Karen Shuman established a timeline for policy review during Monday night’s school board meeting.

Superintendent Shuman explained that the school board members are currently going through Culver’s code book in order to make sure all the rules are up-to-date.

Shuman said that so far, no major changes have been made and there haven’t been any requests to have any policies removed. She said the majority of adjustments have dealt with rewording and updating information such as emails and phone numbers.

Shuman did mention that of the most noticeable changes that will need to be added prior to next school year is a policy pertaining to eLearning.

The timeline that Shuman established during Monday’s meeting sets things up so that all policies will be reviewed prior to August. Shuman said it was organized that way in order for the school’s code book to be completely updated in time for the 2018-2019 school year.