North Judson-San Pierre School Board Members Provide Annual Approval for Reduction of Force Notifications, None Sent So Far

North Judson-San Pierre School Board members approved the notification of a reduction in force, should the need arise, when they met Tuesday night.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin explained that this is an action that is approved yearly that permits school board members to notify staff if reductions need to be made. Their approval of the action also dictates that they will follow state-mandated procedures.

The superintendent said this is typically brought to the board around this time of the year since students are enrolling in classes and the latest average daily attendance membership numbers have come in. She said with that information, they also assess certain factors, such as classroom sizes, and if the numbers warrant a reduction, that’s when staff would be notified.

She said should they need to go that route, the school officials will follow the procedures and timeline provided through state statute, which specifies that teachers must be notified between May 1st and July 1st.

Dr. Zupin added that so far, no notifications have been sent out and assessments are still being conducted.