Starke County Council Approves Increase in Surveyor Copy Prices


The Starke County Council members approved slight increase in the price for copies in the surveyor’s office.

Surveyor Bill Crase explained that with the purchase of his new copier/scanner, he wanted to be able to increase the public’s cost for copies. Those funds would be deposited into a new fund in the budget to be used to purchase supplies for the machine.

Crase proposed increasing the black and white copies to $5.00 and charge $8.00 for each color copy. Those prices are valid for the standard 11X17 paper size.

The council approved the increases to be included into the county’s schedule of fees. They also approved a new fund within the surveyor’s budget to capture those fees for supplies.

Crase added that he hopes that to digitally scan the plat books with his new copier/scanner and have them available electronically to preserve the integrity of the original pages.