Work will begin soon on part of the secure entrance and utilization project at the West Central School Corporation. Superintendent Don Street anticipates that the bond closing will occur this month and pre-construction meetings will begin soon.
Street said one project is expected to begin this month.
“Our auxiliary gymnasium roof will be replaced at the end of March during spring break,” said Street. “The middle school roof will be taken care of after school is out.”
In addition to the roofing projects, the school entrances will undergo a transformation for a more secure entry. The welding area will be expanded to include storage and a changing room. The weight room will move to the existing wrestling room and the wrestling room will move behind the stage into three existing classrooms. A gravel parking lot in front of the elementary school will be paved and all exterior lighting will be changed. New fencing will be installed around the football field and track area.
According to Superintendent Street, the roofing project would be funded by the Capital Project Fund and the rest of the project will be funded by bonds.