The Starke County Commissioners reviewed an amendment to the employee handbook pertaining to campaigning during office hours.
An amendment drafted by County Attorney Marty Lucas prohibits employees from using their county office or employment position to assist in any political campaign or coerce any other employee for political purposes. The document also suggests that it is improper to engage in any political activity during working hours.
Equipment owned by Starke County government shall not be used to make, copy, produce or reproduce any campaign or party affiliated material. County owned vehicles shall not be used for campaigning purposes and that goes for any communication devices, unless …“expressly authorized by action of the election board.”
The commissioners took action to adopt the amendment Monday night with a unanimous vote.
The commissioners also want to remind candidates that campaign signs cannot be placed next to a county road or on an existing road sign. Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler plans to discuss right-of-way measurements with the commissioners and the election board to find a uniform measurement to enforce. They vary within the county.
Knox Building Commissioner Kenny Pfost said if a campaign sign is located right next to a street, parkway, easement, or alley in the city limits the candidate will be notified. After notification, the candidate has three days to remedy the issue before a $25 daily fine is imposed.