Local Veteran Receives Assistance from Knox VFW

A local veteran is expressing his gratitude to the Knox VFW for assisting him as he recovers from a stroke.

Robert Gonzalez is a Knox resident who reported that a stroke left him utilizing a wheelchair for the time being and it has limited his ability to venture outside his home.

Chris Kisela, a representative of VFW Post 748, stated that when VFW members met for their monthly meeting on Sunday, April 8th, they approved a request to build ramps at Gonzalez’s residence and contracted the work out to Ron Biddle.

Gonzalez reached out and said he wishes to highlight the hard work of the individuals who took time to construct the ramps for his home, especially since we were experiencing chilly weather Tuesday morning and afternoon.

The VFW is a national organization aimed at fostering camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. Their goal is to serve veterans, the military and our communities and to advocate on behalf of all veterans. The construction of ramps to assist Mr. Gonzalez in his time of need is just one example of how the local chapter is accomplishing this mission.