The Francesville Town Council members this week approved the second reading of an ordinance that would establish a Francesville Planning Commission. The final reading could come at the council’s next meeting on Monday, May 21.
The commission will act as any other similar governing body. The members will study items specified by the town council or any planning or zoning issues deemed pertinent and of interest to residents. Recommendation on action will be provided to the town council for final approval.
The Francesville Planning Commission, once formally established, will consist of three town council members, four town council appointed members, and two members appointed by the Pulaski County Commissioners. The terms will stagger beginning June 1, 2018.
The members will adopt an annual budget and will perform in accordance with Indiana code.
One of the first subjects the Francesville Planning Commission may tackle is a wind turbine ordinance. They may pattern it after the proposed amendment to Pulaski County’s Unified Development Ordinance; however, formal action has not taken place. The county’s advisory planning commission continues looking into increasing setbacks and changing the measuring system so all setbacks are based on property lines, instead of structures.