Pulaski County EMS Transfer Numbers Rebound during Month of June

The number of ambulance transfers provided by Pulaski County Emergency Medical Services increased significantly during the month of June. For the past several months, a shortage of paramedics had been causing the department to deny more transfer requests than it accepted. But EMS Director Bryan Corn says the numbers finally appear to be trending in the right direction, following the addition of two new paramedics.

“If you add up all the numbers we did from, essentially, January until May, so kind of the first part of the year, we took a total of 21,” he told the county commissioners Monday. “In the month of June alone, we were able to take 19. So that was a huge improvement since the first half of the year, really.”

Corn told the county commissioners Monday that seven transfer requests were denied last month. He said five of those were because they came from a hospital other than Pulaski Memorial.