North Judson Town Council President Addresses Procedure Needed on Railroad

North Judson Town Council President Wendy Hoppe shared some railroad information with council members Monday night.

She noted that the weeds that pop up on the railroad tracks need to be sprayed from time to time to keep them from catching on fire. Hoppe said there is a company in New Haven that provided a quote and mentioned that they’re the only business in the state that is licensed to do the procedure.

One of the members asked if that meant this company has a monopoly on the service. Hoppe replied that there used to be another business that offered it but when the state implemented stricter requirements they didn’t apply for the certification. She also commented that the company out of New Haven sprayed the tracks last year.

She said the certified company provided a quote of $1,365 to spray for the town. She added that to spray the Railroad Museum’s grounds it would cost $292.50. Hoppe noted that a purchase order would need to be created for the expense.

The members recognized that it is something that has to be done to prevent any safety hazards so they took a unanimous vote to approve the purchase order that was presented.