The combined offices of the Starke County Probation Department and Starke County Community Corrections are helping to fund a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for the Starke County Sheriff’s Department.
Starke County Court Services Director Shawn Mattraw made the announcement during the Starke County Commissioners meeting on Monday night.
“Commissioners, I’m pleased to announce that Starke County Court Services will be making a one-time monetary donation in the amount of $45,000 to go to the Starke County Sheriff’s Department to be used to defray the cost of the CAD system,” said Mattraw. “I’d like to publicly acknowledge Probation Supervisor Chuck Phillips and Community Corrections Office Manager Jennifer Strickland for their respective roles in allocating these funds to assist the Sheriff’s Department.”
A portion of that allocation is from grant money while the other is coming from the CTP fund within the Starke County Community Corrections budget.
Sheriff Bill Dulin and IT Director Richard Franks are still working out the details to secure the program and more work is being done to gather the funds to purchase the Caliber CAD system. The quote is around $250,000 and that quote has been extended from the end of June.
Dulin said he will talk to the company this week to let them know that financing is still in the works. Starke County EMA Director J. Nier added that she’s also submitted a grant to help fund the purchase, but the award notification may not be for another 60-90 days.
A fund will be included in the budget as money comes in for the CAD system.