The Medaryville Town Council members called a special meeting Wednesday afternoon to take care of a few repair invoices.
According to Clerk-Treasurer Judy Harwood, the members previously approved the cleaning invoice for well #2 at a cost of $6,900, but the cost to replace a motor and pump needed to be approved in this special meeting. The motor replacement cost was $4,200 while the cost of the pump was $3,750. A level instrument was also recommended for purchase at a cost of $450. The council members approved those invoices as presented.
The town’s attorney also presented information on an ongoing claim with Evapar in Fort Wayne. They attempted to fix the generator that powers the lift stations if the electricity goes out, but it reportedly only worked for about 20 minutes before it malfunctioned. The first bill to repair the problem was about $650 and the second bill was about $4,928. The labor hours totaled nearly 30 hours on the second repair as the cause of the malfunction was researched. The council members would like the labor hours waived. The attorney will return with more information in a future meeting.