Wind Turbine Positive for West Central School Corporation

With the Pulaski County Commissioners contemplating the proper wording to include in the county’s Unified Development Ordinance that would essentially ban wind turbines in the county, the operating singular wind turbine at the West Central School Corporation has been a positive aspect for the corporation, according to Superintendent Don Street.

“It produces electricity for us and it’s been very positive for us,” said Street. “The super wind turbines and the wind turbine farms are different in that it’s not producing electricity for one individual or unity. It’s just a different ballgame. Those are businesses and it’s hard to honestly compare several wind turbines to just a single one that’s been made and produced to offset the rising utility costs for an entity.”

The wind turbine on the school’s campus in Francesville was first operational in March of 2012 after its construction in January of 2012.