School Custodian Repairs Winamac Town Park Toilet, Amid Dispute Between School, Park Board

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

A broken toilet that’s been a point of contention between the Winamac Park Board and the Eastern Pulaski Community School Corporation has been repaired, thanks to a school custodian. That’s what Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo told the park board last Thursday. “I received a phone call last night, in the evening, from Steve Lawson, who is a maintenance person at the school,” DeLorenzo said. “He, on his own time, went and repaired the toilet in the bathrooms up at the ball diamonds that the school was unwilling to address, and he decided that he would take care of that on his own.”

While the restrooms belong to the town’s parks department, the park board has been hoping for some maintenance help from the school corporation, since the high school softball team uses the park facilities practically free of charge. Park Board President Courtney Poor cited the school corporation’s refusal to help repair the toilet as one example of a “disconnection” between the school and the park board. Last month, he called on the town council to help pressure school officials into providing more assistance at the park.