North Judson officials took an important step last Monday to secure financial assistance for the creation of a comprehensive plan. An up-to-date comprehensive plan is one of the requirements for the county-wide Regional Stellar Initiative.
The total cost of the comprehensive plan project is $44,000 which is $6,000 less than what was originally anticipated. To help pay for the plan, the Town is applying for $39,600 Community Development Block Grant that is offered through the Office of Community and Rural Affairs.
Members held a hearing over the grant application during last week’s meeting where KIRPC Community Development Planner Emily Albaugh mentioned that a match of $4,400 must be provided to cover the remainder of the cost.
The initial cost estimate for the match was $5,000 so officials will be spending even less than they expected. The money for that match will come from the Town’s cumulative capital development fund.
Town officials indicated this effort is long overdue since it has been more than 10 years since the Town has constructed a comprehensive plan so
During public input, a citizen asked Albaugh about North Judson’s chance of being awarded this grant.
Albaugh responded, “They are turning a little more competitive, I will say that. However, we have been told through our community liaison that if it’s not awarded on the first round, it will definitely be awarded in the second [round].”
In addition to holding the public hearing, members also approved a resolution that authorizes the grant application submission and confirms the Town will provide their local match. That resolution passed with a unanimous vote.