Pulaski County Officials Update NIPSCO Contact Information to Prevent Gas Shutoff at West Annex

Pulaski County officials had to resolve some confusion over the county’s NIPSCO billing. Coroner John Behny told the county commissioners last week that he recently got a call from a NIPSCO representative with an order to disconnect gas service to the former Winamac Masonic Lodge, now called the West Annex.

When Chief Deputy Coroner Jon Frain called back to try to fix the issue, NIPSCO officials said they would only speak to an authorized user on the account. The problem is that the only authorized user Frain could find was a former county auditor who’s been dead for over two years.

Frain suggested adding the current auditor, maintenance director, and sheriff as authorized contacts. Auditor Laura Wheeler told the commissioners that the issue was taken care of.