New Railroad Township Representative Sworn in to NJ-SP School Board

Sandra Kersting Rudd Being Sworn into NJ-SP School Board; Photo Source: Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin

Recently appointed Railroad Township representative Sandra Kersting Rudd was officially sworn into the North Judson-San Pierre School Board Tuesday night.

Treasurer Guy Richie provided Kersting Rudd with the necessary wording and she repeated the following oath:

“I, Sandra Kersting Rudd, do solemnly swear that I will support the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the State of Indiana, the laws of the United States and the laws of the State of Indiana. I will faithfully execute the duties of my office as a member of this governing body, so help me god.”

As previously reported, Kersting Rudd is filling the seat of former school board member Susan McCormack who had to step down from her position due to a move. She will serve out the remainder of McCormack’s term which runs until June 30th of 2021.