Intersection Beautification Discussed at Knox City Council Meeting

Knox Mayor Dennis discussed a potential intersection beautification project with city council members when they met last Tuesday.

According to Estok, the idea of adding designs to the city’s intersections was included in their comprehensive plan from 2015.

Estok mentioned that this project will be a bit different than the one that’s already been partially executed at the at the intersection of Lake and Main Streets where designed cross walks have been installed and a city emblem street print is expected to be applied in the spring.

That project is being done by the company Ennis-Flint and their designs are put in place by utilizing a special kind of material that’s imprinted into the asphalt.

Estok said he is coordinating with the local business Traffic Control Specialistss to do the remaining intersection beautification work. He added that they would put designs in place using a paint that’s made specifically for roads.

Councilman Don Kring weighed in on the matter.

He shared, “I’m serious I think even those piano key cross walks enhance an intersection, you could even do one down by the school where the little kids are, you know what I mean, it really makes it look like a serious intersection, just with a little bit of striping, it’s crazy!”

No official actions had to be taken at last week’s meeting but Mayor Estok indicated that he wanted members to be aware of the potential projects that may be coming down the line as weather conditions improve.