Knox City Council members considered a group of policies and guidelines related to the electric message board located near the C
When Mayor Estok presented the information to council members he explained that he wanted to have a set policy in place for the New Year but noted that changes can be made as potential amendments become apparent.
Mayor Estok said, “I will tell the council that it’s a start, probably not the finish line on it. Basically, we kind of need to pass this policy and like I said, we can always, as time goes on, we can review it and make changes because we’ll find out once we get into next year what we have to do.”
According to the policy, the City’s electronic message board may be used for messages promoting only city or city-sponsored meetings, events and notices. City sponsored events refer to such events that are substantially supported by the City either financially or with city resources.
All messages will be at the discretion of the Mayor’s Office and may be edited as deemed necessary and the time and temperature will be scheduled to play on the message board at all times.
Additionally, the guidelines state that the promotion of alcohol, tobacco, candidates in any elections, political, factional, sectarian, racist, sexist, bigoted, false, misleading or deceptive viewpoints are prohibited.
Members unanimously approved the policies and guidelines as presented. A full list of the rules accepted by the council can be found below.
City of Knox Policy and Guidelines for Electronic Message Board:
- The time and temperature will be scheduled to play on the message board at all times
- The City of Knox electronic message board may be used for messages promoting
only city or city-sponsored meetings, events and notices. City-sponsored events refer to such events that are substantially supported by the City either financially or with city resources; such as Bluegrass Jam, Prayer Breakfast, Big Band Dance, etc… - Due to the high volume of City messages, third-party and not-for-profit messages will not be accepted unless the event appeals and benefits the citizens of the City of Knox. Those messages will only be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor.
- Promotion of alcohol, tobacco, candidates in any elections, political, factional, sectarian, racist, sexist, bigoted, false, misleading or deceptive viewpoints
are prohibited. - The Mayor may, at times, approve a message to run on the day of a downtown event that appeals and benefits the citizens of the City of Knox.
- Messages spotlighting a local Business of the Month in the City of Knox will be at the Mayor’s discretion and at no charge. This message will run the first week of the month in which it is being spotlighted
- All messages will be at the discretion of the Mayor’s Office and may be edited as deemed necessary.
- Messages should be emailed to Peg Travis, Mayor’s Office at ptravis@cityofknox.net as far in advance as possible to ensure there is time to be added to the message board. Last minute requests may not be able to be accommodated. When sending a request, please specify the dates that you’d like each message to run.
- The length of the messages should be kept as short as possible.
- The number of days a message is displayed may depend on the number of other messages submitted at any given time and will be at the discretion of the Mayor’s Office.
- Messages will expire the day of the meeting, event, or applicable notice
period, unless otherwise requested and approved. If a specific startdates is necessary for a message, please include that information whensubmitting the message to the Mayor’s Office. The message board is remotely connected to a computer in City Hall;therefore no new messages will be added after hours or on weekends.