Staff and students at the Eastern Pulaski School Corporation will use Chromebooks beginning in the 2019-2020 school year.
Superintendent Dan Foster said the students have been using iPads for the past few years, but after an evaluation of Chromebooks by teachers and students they were the preferred device.
“Actually, what’s going to happen will be grades 6-12 with Chromebooks keeping with the 1:1. Those will be take home devices. All the 3-5 grade classrooms will have their own set. We’ll be purchasing 200 at the Elementary School. Those will not be take home devices. We will collect all of the iPads that are out there right now and evaluate those. The best of the best will get repurposed down to the kindergarten and first and second grade levels to get more in the classrooms there. Those will not be take home devices,” said Foster.
CDW-G submitted the lowest out of five quotes for 1,000 devices with service agreements and management licenses at a total cost of $433,486.