Starke County Sheriff Bill Dulin asked the county council members last week to create new line items in the sheriff’s budget to ensure money is being deposited into separate accounts for different aspects at the sheriff’s department.
He explained that money received for funds by use of confidential informants for undercover drug buy operations should have its own account with money transferred from the Therapeutic Community. The county does receive that money back if requested in a court order when a suspect is sentenced in a case.
Sheriff Dulin said the money is needed as Starke County leads the state in heroin overdoses and this drug buy money could help stop criminals from the vicious cycle of drug abuse.
After some discussion, the council did approve the creation of the fund and to transfer $5,000 in that fund.
On top of that, the council members approved the creation of a line item for the Fostering a Recovery Mindset (F.A.R.M.) program that will hold funds from the sale of produce and other items the inmates sell while participating in the program.