North Judson-San Pierre School Board Adopts Family Night Policy

During their meetingTuesday night, North Judson-San Pierre School Board members considered a policy that would allow families to spend a little more time together each week.

At their February meeting, Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin presented the school board with a policy that would designate Wednesday nights as “family nights.

She explained that the policy would require all athletic practices and extra curricular activities to end by 5:30 p.m. in order to give students a chance to spend Wednesday evening with their families.   

The initial proposal also included games, however, Dr. Zupin stated that it will take a bit of time for the new policy to apply to those as well.

Dr. Zupin shared, “Our Athletic Director is fine with this and he supports it. He just wants to remind everyone that it will take a few years for the schedule to not have games on Wednesday because he does schedule 2-4 years out.”

All present members voted in favor of adopting the Family Night Policy.