A couple Pulaski County government officials will discuss the need for additional help with the county commissioners tonight. Building Inspector Doug Hoover is once again expected to request a full-time deputy.
Last year, the commissioners recommended moving Building Department Assistant Karla Kreamer from part-time to full-time status, but the change wasn’t approved by the county council. Meanwhile, Director of Environmental Health Terri Hansen will discuss part-time additional help tonight.
In other business, the commissioners will consider the purchase of a new ambulance, as well as a switch in the county’s email system. The commissioners will also make a second attempt at opening bids for this year’s Community Crossings projects. Plans call for hot mix asphalt work on County Road 550 South west of State Road 39 and County Road 600 South from State Road 119 to Base Road. The commissioners awarded a $1.18 million bid to Town & Country Paving back in January. But because the bids were dated 2018 rather than 2019, the process had to be redone, to qualify for the state grant funding.
Also during tonight’s meeting, representatives from the Medaryville Fire Department and Sara Kroft, the director of Pulaski County’s Court Appointed Special Advocates program, will discuss upcoming grant opportunities.
Tonight’s Pulaski County Commissioners meeting starts at 6:00 EST in the Pulaski County Courthouse.