The Winamac Park Board is waiting for some direction from the town council before working on an application for this year’s round of federal grant funding. During Thursday’s meeting, Park Board Member Pat Bawcum suggested writing a grant for a splash pad, if the town council decides not to move forward with a swimming pool project.
The town council decided to pull its official support for the pool back in 2017, amid ongoing financial concerns. But the Winamac Pool Committee hasn’t given up, and members have been asking town officials to consider applying for a Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant this year. Park board members didn’t want to move ahead with a splash pad until they’re sure that a pool is ruled out, but time is running out to put a grant application together by the June 1 deadline.
The pool is expected to be discussed during tonight’s regular town council meeting. It starts at 6:00 EDT at the Winamac Municipal Utilities Complex.
If the park board chooses the splash pad option, there are still some issues that would have to be worked out, most importantly, the location. While board members would prefer that a splash pad be placed in the Town Park, there are environmental concerns about treated water discharging into the Tippecanoe River. Board member and town manager Brad Zellers offered to continue discussing the issue with officials from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Another option would be to put the splash pad where the pool used to be, next to the Community Wellness Center.
Park Board President Chris Schramm said he plans to invite representatives from a splash pad installation company to an upcoming meeting. Secretary Kim Burke noted that a special meeting may have to be held, to come up with plans before the grant application is due.