Starke County emergency responders have participated in critical training sessions over the past month.
EMS Director Travis Clary told the Starke County Commissioners Monday night that Carfentanyl/Fentanyl training had over 20 emergency responders in attendance.
“In the training we went over the dangers of this Carfentanyl/Fentanyl that they’re lacing into the heroin,” explained Clary. “So we went over the precautions to take and different things like that. We’ve got some new policies kind of rolling out. We’ll be using some different gloves with a 240 minute exposure to this Carfentanyl/Fentanyl. They’re a lot thicker which means they’re more expensive. All in all, if our crew members are safe, that’s what we want.”
Another training session will be planned as a few firefighters were unable to attend the recent session due to an active fire call.
Clary added that training was scheduled for this week on how to communicate with special needs victims.
“We actually have a gentleman coming in that’s been a paramedic for many years and he has a daughter with Down Syndrome. He’s going to bring her along and tell us the do’s and don’ts. He goes around the country doing this. We’re very happy to have him here free of charge to us.”
In addition, 20 firefighters recently attended Stop the Bleed training.
“They’re coming up with a House bill in the State of Indiana where all schools will be required to have, I believe, five Stop the Bleed kits and at least 10 people to be trained with these kits. So, we’re training the firemen and we’re going to have EMS people too to get out to the local schools and start doing that training.”
He continues to offer CPR training to the local nursing home staff members and others in the community to ensure the right processes are being delivered to those who are in need of that assistance.