An ordinance approved by the Winamac Town Council last week allowed Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger to transfer dormant account balances back into the general fund.
She explained, “We used to collect parking fees, we don’t have that any longer, same with the safe routes to school, we had $1.58 that was left in there.”
Berger continued, “The hotel study we did, I think that was back in 2013, we never did anything with the funds because the hotel study didn’t go any further and then I have a little bit left from the RTP grant that was the town’s portion of the grant.”
Aside from approving the transfer ordinance, an additional appropriations ordinance was introduced on first reading and then it was approved on second reading.
Members also considered an updated ordinance that would allow police personnel to utilize funds collected from gun permit fees for continuing education and training.
Clerk-Treasurer Berger explained, “With your approval, we would like to be able to use these funds for police training, not just for gun purchases and ammunition.”
That ordinance was approved as presented.