The Constellation of Starke Stellar Executive Team is receiving some assistance from the Northern Indiana Community Foundation.
When members met last Thursday, there was a unanimous vote to enter into an agreement with the NICF that establishes a non-permanent pass through fund with the organization. NICF offered to contribute $2,500 to get the account started.
Members authorized a portion of that money to be used to pay the invoice for Mirth and Whimsy’s marketing campaign.
In addition to taking care of that financial business, the executive team also welcomed a couple of new members. A few more North Judson officials, some representatives from Koontz Lake and Bass Lake and a local community wellness coordinator have now joined the group.
The two main things the team is focused on right now are selecting a consultant to assist with the regional development plan process and preparing for a public meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 23rd.
Members are expected to review a few different consultant proposals and reach a decision when they meet later this week.
Next week’s public meeting will be held at the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center in Knox starting at 1 p.m.
A creative video, an informative power point presentation and panel discussion will be utilized to answer the questions: Why Stellar, Why now?
The meeting will also include a process overview presented by OCRA representatives and officials from Ball State’s Indiana Communities Institute will be there to engage with the community.
Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. The more perspectives that are included in this conversation, the more Constellation of Starke’s regional development plan will truly represent the region’s strengths and needs.