The Starke County Youth Club RadioThon is Only Days Away!

During the annual Starke County Youth Club RadioThon this Friday, you’ll have a chance to hear all the ways that the organization’s afterschool, summertime and enrichment programs positively impact local kids.

Executive Director Irene Szakonyi recently visited with the Knox City Council to issue a reminder about the important role the community plays in keeping the program going.

She explained, “Not all heroes where capes, it’s not like a comic book in our real lives.”

Director Szakonyi shared, “Community members like you lift kids out of their situations, whether that’s poverty or trauma, and into a better life. You’re the reason our kids can find their own super powers”

Szakonyi stressed while Club does offer homework assistance and helps students learn important life skills, the resources they provide extend far beyond that.

For instance, they utilize a social and emotional learning curriculum entitled ‘Second Step’.

Szakonyi said the curriculum not only helps children learn how to recognize and manage their emotional responses but it also teaches them how to implement those skills into everyday life.

Director Szakonyi emphasized that tools that students take away from Club are ones that they can carry into adulthood.

“Your gift, the gift of your advocacy, the gift of your contributions, means that kids have the skills they need to change their lives forever.”

She passionately continued, “I get a little emotional…because when we ask you to participate in something like our RadioThon, it really is an investment in the community.”

There are a few different ways that you can ensure your dollars are being put toward SCYC’s heroic efforts. Any time of year, contributions can be made at

You’re also welcome to attend the RadioThon on Friday, May 3rd in person here at our station on Culver Road in Knox or you can make a pledge online or over the phone.

Contact WKVI during the Radiothon from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. by calling 574-772-6241.

For additional information, visit the organization’s Facebook Page.