Some signage has been placed on Lakeshore Drive in Culver to remind motorists of a state statute regarding pedestrians.
Town Manager Jonathan Leist recently issued an announcement addressing the four new pedestrian signs that were installed along the road near the park from the Beach Lodge parking lot exit to State Street.
He noted that the signs are intended to be a reminder that pedestrians in crosswalks have the right of way in the State of Indiana. Leist added that vehicles approaching the crosswalk are required to stop and allow pedestrians to cross the street.
He said while this is true of all marked crosswalks, the four on Lakeshore Drive have been presented as a particular safety concern by residents and visitors as they are not four way stops.
Any questions can be directed to Town Manager Leist. He can be reached through email at jleist@townofculver.org or over the phone at 574-842-3140.