The Marshall County Commissioners recently approved a resolution that would transfer the ownership of an area of West Jefferson Street, formerly known as 17C Road in the county’s road system, to the Culver Town Council, but Culver Town personal injury attorney costs in Orange County – Jim Clevenger found there’s more to the process than expected.
While he thought the town council members could pass a simple resolution similar to the commissioners’ action, he’s since found some complications.
“17C Road, which is the county portion of Jefferson Street, there are two properties that extend into the center line of that road,” explained Clevenger. “If you put the title of the road into the town then we have a mixed taxing area for two of those pieces.”
Another issue is the town hasn’t annexed either side of the road all the way out to State Road 17, because they don’t officially own the property. There is currently a moratorium on annexation actions in the state this year due to the Census count next year.
An interlocal agreement and a resolution may need to be prepared to satisfy the conclusion of the effort.
The Culver Town Council is looking to do some improvements on that street that runs west to State Road 17 and they need to show INDOT that they own that property before paperwork can move forward for the planning process.