An update on the North Judson’s wastewater treatment plant project was provided to Town Council members when they met Monday night.
CommonWealth Engineer Intern Sarah Prizio explained that the next step before the project can commence will be a loan closing and pre-construction meeting which will likely take place around Wednesday, July 17th.
Prizio also provided a reminder about what the wastewater project will entail, noting that it will be tackled to address an Indiana Department of Environmental Management requirement.
She explained that currently, the Town of North Judson has stormwater and sanitary infrastructure existing within a combined system.
Prizio said when rain events happen it increases the flow to the wastewater treatment plant. When a significant amount of water flows in, the plant can reach about 90 percent capacity or higher, which is a violation through IDEM.
With this project, a new sewer dedicated to storm water will be installed and the existing wastewater collection system will be rehabilitated. They’ll also be doing some improvements at the wastewater treatment plant.
Prizio said crews will improve the capacity at the combined sewer overflow pump station.
She said that when big rain events happen and increase the flow of water to the plant, the stormwater will go to a specific tank that will be pumped out into designated ponds. Once dryer weather returns and the capacity allows for it, that water will be pumped back into the plant to be treated.