Kankakee River Basin and Yellow River Basin Development Commission Executive Director and former State Representative Scott Pelath will update the Starke County Commissioners and Starke County Council members on House Bill 1270 when they meet tonight. The House Bill changes a few aspects of the former Kankakee River Basin Commission and initiates an assessment fee to residents in order to cover projects and studies of the new commission members.
The county officials will also consider a tax abatement request by Kemin Industries, and get updates from the Veteran’s Service Officer, and Recorder Mandy Thomason.
The Starke County Election Board members will discuss the need to update voting machines, and Building Inspector Terry Stephenson will talk about personnel as well as Prosecutor Leslie Baker.
A discussion concerning the SYSCO property and the Moose building will occur and the council members are expected to appoint a member to the Solid Waste Board and consider a personnel and transfer fee ordinance amendment.
The Starke County Commissioners are expected to approve the Communications Committee Policy and make an appointment to the Kankakee River Basin and Yellow River Basin Development Commission in addition to the Starke County Economic Development Foundation. The bid opening for Bridge 140 will take place while an elevator update will be given. The commissioners will also discuss a credit card policy.
The evening block of meetings begins at 5:30 p.m. CT in the ground floor meeting room in the Starke County Annex No. 1 Building at 53 E. Mound Street in Knox.