As the school year begins for West Central School Corporation students today, Superintendent Dan Zylstra updated the school board on discussions surrounding the dress code policy.
Middle/High School Principal Scott Ritchie posted a reminder about the dress code policy a couple of weeks ago which Zylstra says spurred more talking points. He noted there are some sports uniforms that don’t meet the dress code. According to Zylstra, some volleyball and track uniforms, which feature shorts that are shorter than what meets the dress code, should not be worn in the school environment.
“What happens with extra curricular activities – there’s certainly worth a discussion with what’s modest and what best fits the values of our community,” said Zylstra. “I think that would be response when it comes down to athletics. It’s a little a bit different than the environment of the school day between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.”
Ritchie’s Tweet outlined that hats are not permitted. Jeans with holes must be worn with something underneath so no skin shows above the knee. The midriff must be covered and shorts must be fingertip length or longer. Writing and advertising on t-shirts should be school-appropriate, and shirts must have sleeves. C&M Tee is appropriate for school.
More guidelines can be found here.