Bids were rejected last month for the construction of Bridge No. 158 on County Road 700 East north of County Road 600 North in Starke County. Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler explained to the commissioners last week what he thinks caused the bids to be way over the engineer’s estimate.
“The reason for the high bid is because we had a thing in the contract where we wanted them to finish it this year,” said Ritzler. “The buses do use that road for Oregon-Davis, but it’s a very low-traveled road. We’re taking that provision out. We’re also taking out provision out about how they do the concrete. We think it’s going to be about $100,000 less than where we thought it was from the beginning. If it continues to be high, we might have to look at another way of doing it.”
The three bids received for the project ranged from about $474,000 to $760,000.
Plans for that project call for the construction of a bridge where a culvert failed over the Jain Ditch. Due to unstable soils, it was recommended that a bridge be constructed in that area which the commissioners previously approved. The road remains closed.
The project rebid will likely take place during the commissioners meeting on Monday, Dec. 16.