Several school corporations will offer meals to students during the time schools are closed.
Knox Community Schools, West Central Schools and Culver Community Schools will have meals for students.
Knox Community School Corporation officials will offer breakfast and sack lunches to any student at regular price or adult price at $2.00. The meals will be offered Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 27 at Door No. 8 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. CT and from 11 a.m. to noon CT. Delivery will be made to the car.
The Culver Community School Corporation will be providing food routes to students March 17 through March 27. The cafeteria staff will put together a free lunch for all students on the Free and Reduced meal plan. If there is a student not on the list for Free and Reduced lunch, that student may be included to receive a lunch for a charge. Notify the school corporation by noon on Monday, March 16. The bus drivers will deliver food to students on their route beginning at 10:30 a.m. ET each school day prior to Spring Break.
West Central School Superintendent Dan Zylstra also commented that administrators are working on plans to provide meals to students during the time school is closed. More information on that will be released at a later time.