North Judson’s wastewater project continues to move along. Sarah Prizio with Commonwealth Engineers told the town council last week that crews had finished installing the storm sewer along Railroad and Franklin streets, while work on the portion on Main Street was wrapping up.
The next steps will be to have companies clean the sanitary sewer and rehabilitate the manholes. “That’s just lining the manholes so we stop inflow and infiltration, water getting in from the surface or from the groundwater,” Prizio explained.
Meanwhile, Prizio said progress continues at the wastewater treatment plant, “They’re working on bypass pumping and installing those force mains from, basically, the CSO tank, which is the overflow, all the way up to the lagoons and back.”
She also said the decision to remove paving work from the scope of the project in order to fund it separately will end up freeing up almost $124,000 in project funds, which is more than initially expected. A formal change order will be presented at next week’s town council meeting.