The proposed renovation of the Pulaski County Courthouse and expansion of the Justice Center will continue to be discussed during tonight’s county council meeting. The estimated $7.7 million project would add a security checkpoint to the north entrance of the courthouse, while Circuit Court would move out of the building and into an expanded Justice Center.
At this point, the county commissioners have agreed to hire a law firm and municipal advisor to help with the bond process and have requested a quote for final architectural drawings. A bill that would give the county the option to extend a local income tax to help with the bond payments has been passed by the Indiana General Assembly and now awaits the governor’s final approval. A reimbursement resolution related to the project will be up for council approval tonight.
In the meantime, steps are being taken to add security to the courthouse, even before renovation work begins. That will also be discussed during tonight’s meeting.
A number of additional appropriation requests will be presented, as well. That includes money for the Winamac ambulance garage expansion, Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative coordinator, and Drug Free Community.
Terri Hansen with the Pulaski County Health Department will discuss leftover grant money, and Community Foundation of Pulaski County Executive Director Wendy Rose will discuss a Lilly grant. Encumbrances from the 2019 budget will also be up for the council’s approval.
Tonight’s Pulaski County Council meeting starts at 7:00 EDT in the Pulaski County Highway Garage.