Pulaski County to Lift Temporary Workforce Reduction Monday

Pulaski County Commissioner Kenny Becker has ordered the cancellation of the temporary workforce reduction policy effective Monday, April 20 at 11:59 p.m. ET.  He made the decision after consulting with Pulaski County Health Officer Dr. Rex Allman. 

Employees will return to regular work hours as scheduled beginning on Tuesday, April 21. 

While the employees will be returning the work, the county buildings will remain closed to the public.  An appointment can be made to see a certain department employee.  The exterior doors will be unlocked, but office doors will be locked. 

The commissioners urge employees to use all precautions outlined by the Pulaski County Health Department which include keeping a social distance of six feet, and wear protective masks, eyewear, and gloves.  Hand sanitizer should be used throughout the day in addition to regular hand washing.