Scholarships were recently awarded to the fourth class of Next Generation Hoosier Educators.
The state’s high school seniors and current college students applied for the 200 scholarships available through a competitive process based on academic achievement and other factors. Award recipients will receive $7,500 annual for committing to teach in Indiana for at least five years after graduating college.
According to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, to qualify for the scholarship, students had to either graduate in the highest 20 percent of their high school class or earn a score in the top 20th percentile on the SAT or ACT.
The local scholarship recipients include Madeline Hewlett and Andrew Vanasdall from Knox High School, Elaine Zebell from Oregon-Davis High School, Jenna Zeider from Winamac Community High School, and Allena Peacock from Culver Community Middle/High School.