The Knox Community School Corporation is offering hazard pay for support staff working during the coronavirus closure.
Last week, the school board approved a 10-percent premium on classified employees’ hourly rate, if they’ve had to work between April 13 and May 22. Corporation Treasurer Kasey Clark said about 12 people would be eligible for the premium. That includes the kitchen staff and bus drivers who have been helping with the food delivery program, along with some custodians, according to Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart.
“I think it’s worth it,” Reichhart said. “I mean, these people are putting their welfare on the line, and obviously, serving all these lunches has been great for our communities.”
Reichhart said the extra cost should be reimbursed with federal funding made available through the CARES Act. He noted that some eligible staff members have declined the bonus. Knox school employees who haven’t been working during the COVID-19 pandemic continue to get paid their regular wage.
Reichhart praised the staff and the entire Knox community for their support. “We had the bus driver get recognized for saving a family,” Reichhart noted. “We got a lot of good positive press, and congratulations to Gerald [Shadrix] and his grandson. It’s amazing on Monday mornings to go in the cafeteria at the middle school and see all these people working together to volunteer their time to serve all these lunches. And then to pack them all up and distribute all those on the buses, it’s not easy work, and they’ve hung in there, and we’re going to do that until May 18.”
Reichhart announced that plans are in the works for a graduation ceremony to be held at Community Field in July. He and the school board also thanked the high school staff members who organized the recent parade to honor the academic top 10 graduating seniors.