Starke County Council Starts Looking at Funds to Budget the Sheriff’s Department Retirement Fund

Starke County Sheriff Bill Dulin is looking to fund the retirement line item in the budget for 2021. 

He asked the Starke County Council this week if money from DOC revenues could be used to make up the funds in that line item.  That revenue is collected from the state for the DOC prisoners that are housed at the Starke County Justice Center. Dulin said they get $100,000 to $140,000 a year from the state that isn’t earmarked for anything at this time.  Auditor Rachel Osterreich noted that the DOC funds are receipted into the General Fund, but the council members could appropriate that money for the sheriff’s request.  The council then would need to include that money in the 2021 budget. 

Council President Dave Pearman stated that about 15 percent will have to be cut out of the entire 2021 budget as the council is in the beginning stages of budget discussions.  The sheriff’s request will be discussed during budget meetings coming up in July.

The retirement fund money is typically taken from Riverboat funds and Jail CEDIT, but both of those funds will take a hit this year as a direct result of COVID-19.  The sheriff also commented that Therapeutic Community funding has also taken a hit because they are not accepting any new inmates into the program at this time.  They are attempting to keep COVID-19 out of the jail. 

Sheriff Dulin mentioned that his employees have made every effort to keep COVID-19 out of the jail.  No inmates or employees have tested positive for COVID-19 at any time during the pandemic.  County Attorney Marty Lucas reminded the sheriff to document any funding affected by COVID-19 for potential reimbursement.