Governor Holcomb Encourages Hoosiers to Mask up

Governor Eric Holcomb announced an initiative Wednesday that encourages residents to wear a mask when out in public.

“This is one of the tools that we know that can limit the spread.  It’s just factual.  So, inconvenient or not, this can save lives.  This can save our healthcare networks’ capacity to treat people who are in actually in need of that treatment,” said Governor Holcomb. 

State officials say individuals with COVID-19 release droplets of the virus when they cough, sneeze, sing or speak. Some of those droplets can travel up to 25 feet. A mask helps contain most of those droplets and can prevent them from infecting others.

“So, we are not just asking, but we are recommending, in the strongest terms possible, you think about not just your own life, but you think about those who you love. Those who you don’t want to lose.  It’s not just about me, but try to stress that it’s about someone else.”

Governor Holcomb has initiated a #MaskUpHoosiers public awareness campaign where residents can download a poster from the website, write in their motivation for wearing a mask and then post a photo or video to social media with the hashtag #MaskUpHoosiers.

State Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box said wearing a mask is the best thing residents can do to protect themselves and others. 

Dr. Box commented, “Remember that the Fairbanks study found that 43 percent of individuals who tested positive had no symptoms at the time they tested positive.  So even when you feel fine, you could make someone else very, very sick.”

Dr. Box also encouraged social distancing in addition to wearing mask in public.